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Re: Re Tree fell on Ur Quattro

Great point Joe!!
The value of the car is probably much more!  Don't let them push you around,
Check out Kar of Minnesota's site.  It can tell you the value of the car on
the market. Or check out his classifieds he has a few in there too. Check
out the audifans classifieds to get a idea of what it is worth
I would say around 5 grand - 7500 in decent shape 8-10 in perfect shape with
lots of goodies


Dan Hamren Redwood City CA  1990 Coupe Quattro 1987 5000 CS quattro Avant
1.8 bar

----- Original Message -----
From: Joe Cabibbo <joe_cabibbo@americantv.com>
To: audi 20v list <audi-20v@boldfish.com>
Cc: Dan Hamren <dan@magnitude-electronics.com>
Sent: Friday, December 17, 1999 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: Re Tree fell on Ur Quattro

                      RE>Re Tree fell on Ur Quattro                12.17.99

The other thing you should do is fight tooth and nail for a better total
value. Kelly Blue Book wouldn't even be close to a good guide to value on an
Ur Quattro. The CPI Guide, Keith Martin's Sports Car Market and Ur Quattro
owner testimonials will help you to  change their mind.

When dealing with insurance remember that time is on your side - they are
under pressure to settle as fast as possible. If you let it be known that
you will stand your ground you can often get a much better settlement.

'91 90q20v
'89 Alfa Romeo Milano

Date: 12.17.99 12:50 PM
To: Joe Cabibbo
From: Dan Hamren
Scott said>>>>>>>>..
The other day a tree fell on my dad's '83 turbo coupe.  They are totalling
for $3800, but he has the oppurtunity to buy it back for $500.  There is
probally about $2000 worth of damage to it (since he can get it done by a
friend).  Do you think he should buy it back?  Is anyone interested in it
totalled, or as a fixed car?
Any ideas would be appreciated
Scott  >>>>>>>>>>>

    I think that you should buy it back!  Depending on where the dammage is,
it would be good for either a parts car or a restore.  I would use it as a
parts car.  There are a lot or Ur Quattros out there in need of parts that
are hard to get.  It could be an opportunity to make a little money and
replace the car with a newer better one.  Plus you will have some spare
parts to boot!  Draw backs are having a junk car in your yard!
Dan Hamren

My 2 cents