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Ur S4 vs 5KTQ BTDT?

Not to start any never ending thread vs the merit of either, but I have just 
started looking for a newer Turbo Audi Q after a few UrQs and 5kTQ's, I'm 
thinking UrS4 or 1.8.
I Just drove my first S4 and was confused (~97K miles).  It was a mid year 
car with a chip.  The steering was very light but precise, I liked my firmer 
5K feel.  I really didn't seem as fast or push me into the seat has hard as 
my chipped and sprung 5KTQ (sentiments of my copilot as well).  It also took 
more RPM's to get the car going than my 5KTQ, I thought the S4 spun up 
faster/lower RPM, the power was very gradual with no power rush when stomped 
from +3,000RPM.  Also the clutch was about 30% heavier than any of my 
5KTQ's.  I was wondering what others who have made that transition think.  I 
was very prepared to love the car, but I ended up with more respect for my 
Thanks for any imput.
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