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Cold Weather Start Problem 3 Day Old A4
I just got my 2K A4 last Saturday, and I had a very strange problem
the other day. It was between -5F and +5F degrees that day.
I unlocked the car with the remote unlock, got in, light came on,
put in the key to start and all I got was a "click" like the battery
was dead. The LED Display changed very slowly. I decided to turn off
the radio and the heater fan and still no go. I called up my girlfriend
and talked about calling AAA. 3 or 4 minutes passed, and I tried to
start it for the heck of it, and walla... started with no problems.
?? Can't figure this one out.
Rich Harmer harmerr@facm.umn.edu
Systems Engineer Phone (612) 625-1819
Facilities Management
University Of Minnesota