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A/C compressor and clutch advise requested
I was told a few months ago that I might expect a problem with my A/C
compressor and its now past time to correct what's going wrong before it
actually does! Reading posts from '98 via the search tool (am I the only
person that can't search this years posts since the conversion to the new
server?) my problem may be a simple bearing replacement for the compressor
clutch. I haven't had the A/C belt off lately (but its got less than
10,000 miles on the entire belt set), so I can't tell if there is radial
play in the clutch, but the compressor does work and provides cold air; I
just can't get rid of the belt squeal that happens at times on startup, and
when revving the engine at times. I have adjusted, and readjusted belt
tension to what seems to be the correct tension without change in when and
how often it squeals.
I can also turn the outer plate of the clutch by hand and it feels as
though the compressor is stiffening during a compression phase with no play
or bad sensory stuff coming through for this operation. My thoughts are
that the compressor is working fine, but the clutch is experiencing a
bearing problem that will not get better. Does this agree with anyone
else's BTDT? Any other opinions or diagnostic approaches I could try?
Igor Kessel's compressor clutch R&R post listed a bearing supplier back
east for the clutch bearing that's about 1/5th the cost of new clutch and
since things are still working my plan A is to remove the clutch and
replace the bearing (don't have to open the refrigerant system this way).
Which of course brings out the next question: Does someone have the
extractor tool I could rent/borrow/buy? Scott Mockry claims to have
removed some by hand without the extractor tool, but past experience says
don't count on it. My bicycle crank remover looked like it might be the
right tool, but its not the 24mm x 1.25 thread pitch Igor described. Since
I don't have a handy lathe/milling machine to crank out the correct outside
diameter and threads I'm afraid I won't be able to make this particular
'90 200Q - 92k and catching up with the "fix-it" list