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Re: Save me! Audi vs Sub
At 21:44 -0500 12/25/99, THEEARTHGUY@cs.com wrote:
>Hmmm...and that's why Subaru's regularly go 300k miles with decent
>maintenance upkeep? I agree that most older Japanese cars are 'throwaway'
>tin cans, but have you actually been in a mid-80's Subie? I feel the car is
>quite durable.
No, I haven't been in one. The last Japanese car we owned was my wife's 82 Corola Wagon which we sold in 90 to accommodate the growing family. It was a pretty reliable car, however we had to have body work done around the rear window to stop the corrosion caused by the LA area dew, and this was only a few years after we bought the car.