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Re: high boost stumble
I've had similar problems in my 200 with a TAP chip(no spring.) Our
cars don't have a WOT switch, only an idle switch and a position
sensor. The ECU is supposed to be good for 277hp or so.
I think the problems are fuel pressure/flow related. I haven't
changed my filter since I bought the car, about 30k miles ago...I
also have a pinched fuel line at the filter inlet which looks like it
will be mucho $$$ to repair. My fuel pump is also somewhat noisy.
If you're talking about carb problems being similar, than it sounds
like you're having fuel delivery problems as well. I know the
sensation you describe; you floor it, you get an initial surge, but
then things get bogged down, and then it slowly recovers a little; a
slower movement of the throttle or letting up on it sometimes
produces a little surge or more power.
At 12:33 PM -0500 12/27/99, Beer, Jerry wrote:
>Ok, list traffic is light, so maybe someone can help. Patient is a 1991 200q
>20v, 160k. IA3(about 2-3 years old), 2Bennett k24/26 hybrid. When set to
>16 psi per VDO via some spring shims(car gauge reads 1.8), car pulls
>cleanly. If I shim the spring to pull 20psi (car gauge 1.9-2.0), car has a
>flat spot anywhere between 17 and 20 psi. Hard to describe- feels like a
>very soft rev limiter. For you "old timers". feels like a stuck needle in a
>needle and float motorcycle carb setup. If I get go pedal off the floor a
>little, it clears right up and car surges forward. The boost gauge seems to
>hold whatever boost level the car is at when this occurs. Seems a little
>worse when car gets hot from repeated runs at boost, but it won't occur
>every time. Most runs are in the higher gears. Both knock sensors recently
>replaced, plugs (F5dpor) relatively new. WOT switch? Fuel pump not flowing
>enough? (not terribly noisy). Other than this problem, the car flies. No
>fault codes read out. Any WAGS? TIA
>The Audi 200 Quattro 20 Valve Mailing List
Brett Dikeman Network/System Admin
Artel Software 617-451-9900
381 Congress Street 617-451-9916(fax)
Boston, MA 02210 http://www.borisfx.com