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re: Ice Racing ( Midwest )

joel nevin <joelnevin@yahoo.com> wrote...
> Is anyone from the list thinking of heading up to this
> event? I am thinking of heading up there the 23rd of
> Jan. Be nice to see some listers up there.
> http://www.boston-bmwcca.org/events/2000/ice-racing.html

   No, but any like-minded Illinois, Wisconsin or nearby folks can check
out http://planet-torque.com/sche.html for ice autocross events in that
area.  Wisconsin Autosports Group has events on 1/9 ( I'll be there ), 
1/16, 2/6 and 2/13.

 D a v i d  H i l l m a n
 scscc, nma, scca, imoc