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The UK's mobile Audi 5-cylinder mechanic - 07833 654800, 24x7
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- To lower the front of the subframe, both bolts must be removed
- The anti-roll bar remains attached
- The front of the subframe may drop ca. 100mm - it may be pulled down gently

- The idler roller serves to increase the number of teeth engaged on the crank and cam sprocket wheels. It is mounted and held by interference in a recess in the top of the oil pump casting and is thus considered an oil pump component
- An oil pump securing screw passes through the idler roller. Once this has been removed, the idler roller can be pulled out of the recess
- The idler roller is threaded for an M10 bolt. It can be pulled using a VAG 3034, or by any device (such as a slide hammer) that can grip an M10 bolt, or it can be carefully levered outt with two screwdrivers.
- The idler roller should be replaced at every cam belt change after the first
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