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Audi ur-quattro - RR Engine - notes to wiring diagram
- In track 14 the alternator C is shown as not connected. In fact there is a 16sqmm cable to terminal 30 of the starter motor B.
- The main diagram does not identify the series resistor common to the stage one and stage two radiator fan levels. This will be found mounted on the rear of the fan.
- Diagram 57 track 46 correctly shows G3 - the dashboard coolant temperature gauge - but erroneously shows it as connected to G8, the oil temperature sender. In fact the blue/brown wire is connected to G2, a single pole black temperature sender on the cylinder head. G8 is correctly identified in track 227 of the main diagram.
- The digital dashboard does not distinguish between the functions of Pins 26 and 27, which are both connected to G3, the coolant temperature display. Pin 26 is connected via a blue/brown wire to G2 on the coolant manifold and drives the temperature display. Pin 27 is connected to the multi-function thermoswitch and to the coolant level switch - if either switch closes the top three segments of the display flash as a combined warning of either overheating or low coolant.
- On at least one car, the connectors to G61 (front knock sensor) are green and not red, and the connectors to G66 (rear knock sensor) are blue and not white.
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