[200q20v] Re: Bose adapter

Glen Dustin Powell gpowell at ennovatenetworks.com
Fri Dec 1 10:44:37 EST 2000

Perhaps it has been discontinued? I have the Crutchfield adapter and it
werks very well, would do it again.



-----Original Message-----
From: 200q20v-admin at audifans.com [mailto:200q20v-admin at audifans.com]On
Behalf Of Henry A Harper III
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 12:24 AM
To: 'Paul Friedenberg'
Cc: 200q20v at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [200q20v] Re: Radio Head Units - is it the Bose system?

On Thursday, November 30, 2000 7:12 PM, Paul Friedenberg
[SMTP:paulcsu at hotmail.com] wrote:
> Cruthfield told me that there was no adaptor for a '91 200 with Bose. I
> would have to replace all speakers as well. Any suggestions?

Yes, go ahead and yank the fire-hazard rear speakers; replace with non-Bose
system including cd changer.

See http://www.srv.net/~hah/audi/audio.htm and http://www.srv.net/~hah/audi
details - it's not that hard!

Henry Harper
1991 200 quattro, 111k, passing along the audio url today
1988 GTI 16v, 215k

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