[200q20v] 91 200 20v Pancake

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Wed Dec 13 17:04:41 EST 2000

I believe that in the Michigan scheme of insurances, vehicles are not 
covered by any type of building insurance except in the case, possibly, of 
something like a museum.  If the car is licensed, it's covered by the 
vehicle insurance.  In Michigan, that's a no-fault system in which you deal 
with your insurance company regarding any claim on your vehicle.  The only 
variance to that is if you sue the other guy, and, generally, that is done 
by your insurer to recover its payment to you.

At 06:56 AM 12/13/2000 -0800, Keith Maddock wrote:

>Unfortunately, he lives in an apartment and doesn't even have renter's 
>insurance....  But a good thought!!!
>I'm going to contact a lawyer and see what my rights are considering this 
>is essentially a property claim , rather than an accident claim.  I'll 
>keep you all updated with what I find out.
>Thanks to all for the continuing advice!

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