[200q20v] Hydr. hose again

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Thu Nov 2 12:53:44 EST 2000

At 11:10 AM -0500 11/2/00, Rob Winchell wrote:
>I've decided to replace my leaking power steering
>hose, with all this talk about it lately and me coming
>out of denial that it needs to be done (again).
>Anywho, does someone have the part# handy? And for
>those that recently got one, what did you pay and
>where did you get it?
>Sorry I was not paying attention the first time this
>was mentioned.
>Rob Winchell
>91 200q20v


I don't know if Chris has yet put any of my recent steering hose saga on
his website.

I'll send you copies privately so as to avoid unecessary duplication of
unecssary duplication of unecessary dupli.....


*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *
*        mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net       *


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