[200q20v] Battery

steve_scalmanini at agilent.com steve_scalmanini at agilent.com
Fri Oct 6 13:16:39 EDT 2000

And make sure that vent tube is still clear (see msgs 
attached below). 

FWIW, Interstate's vented battery for our vehicles does 
NOT fit!  The vent is in the center of the rear-facing 
long side, so the battery clamp (that rises up higher 
than the battery, assumedly to keep the seat springs 
from hitting it?) blocks access to the vent.  You'll 
need a battery with the vent on one END.  (Interstate's 
vent was also oval as I recall, not round, so one more 
thing to deal with.) 

I got mine from Kragen's ~9 mos. ago after feeling chiseled 
by Audi's exchange policy.  They won't exchange a defective 
battery without testing it, which I'd have to pay for even 
if it IS defective.  All that for twice the price! 
Some deal.  

' had to use a male-male adapter to fit the vent hose to 
the vent.  Audi's vents are female as I recall, so the 
tube fits over it directly.  ' got the adapter from a 
local foreign auto parts store where I went first, but 
than only offered Interstate batteries. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Kneale Brownson [mailto:knotnook at traverse.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 8:30 AM
To: Rob Winchell; 200q20v at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [200q20v] Battery

Just make sure it has a vent to hook up to the car's vent tube.  Unless you 
buy a SEALED battery (as opposed to one of those "maintenance-free" ones 
that still have tiny vent holes in the nonremovable caps).

At 09:51 AM 10/05/2000 -0400, Rob Winchell wrote:

>Well, my battery is on it's way out. Does anyone have any advice on
>what/where to buy, or better yet, what _not_ to buy?
>My options for place to buy are Sears, WalMart, Kmart, Costco, BJ's, NAPA
>and small local places.
>Rob Winchell
>91 200q20v

-----Original Message-----
From: steve_scalmanini at agilent.com [mailto:steve_scalmanini at agilent.com]

Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 11:11 AM
To: 200q20v at 200q20v.com
Cc: david_haupt at agilent.com; knotnook at traverse.com; WARATAP at aol.com
Subject: Inevitable Battery Vent Clog (was: Battery cable)

Speaking of battery vents, here's an interesting problem I found 
last weekend that's guaranteed to rot our cars (and maybe our 
right rear passengers' butts) over time, if you use a vented 

My battery vent has seemed plugged for some time.  I actually 
exchanged the battery I bought ~6 mos. ago due to acid leaking
around it's top edge.  Last weedend I noticed the replacement 
battery was doing the same thing. A check of the vent showed 
it plugged.  So, up on the lift (a friend has one), check the 
end of the vent tube, and it was fine; not plugged with mud, 
etc.  TMALSS...  

There is a spring clip that holds the vent tube in place waaaaaaay 
up over the axle and gas tank, and that spring tension is guaranteed 
to eventually collapse the flexible (vinyl?) tubing used for the 
battery vent.  The clip is only reachable (& openable) with a long 
screwdriver (mine's about 24" long); a narrow beam flashlight helped 
see the damned thing too.  Reach it from the front side of the tire, 
with your head under the back door area.  

The temporary fix was to bend the clip open a little with the screw- 
driver, pull the vent tube toward the rear ~2" so the clip will work 
against a fresh area of the tubing.  Long term fix is maybe to push 
a 1-2" hard sleeve over the tubing and into the clip.  That should 
protect the line from future collapse.  Or, of course, just use a 
non-vented battery, but hey, I'm an engineer so I repair things the 
hard way. 

' anyone else run into this problem?  I can't recall hearing about it 


PS: So what exactly does a "totally sealed" battery have that a 
vented one doesn't?  A heavier case that battery gasses won't crack? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Kneale Brownson [mailto:knotnook at traverse.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2000 7:49 AM
Subject: Re: Battery cable

... it should only be 
used ventless in a Type 44 application (beneath the back seat) if it is a 
totally sealed unit, as opposed to the "service-free" types which actually 
have a breather to avoid internal gas pressure buildup.  ... 
... I think you need a manufacturer 
statement that the battery does not give off explosive gasses before you 
can mount it safely inside the passenger cabin without venting.

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