[200q20v] FW: Traffic Tickets

Linus Toy linust at mindspring.com
Fri Sep 29 23:40:32 EDT 2000

At 09:26 AM 9/28/00 -0800, Bernie Benz wrote:
> > If you get a ticket for a moving violation, here's a method
> > to ensure that you DO NOT get any points against your
> > license or pay higher insurance rates. This procedure works
> > in every state and is completely legal. Here's how it works:


Urban Legend.

Go see: http://www.snopes.com/autos/law/law.htm
*  Linus Toy                      Insanity is doing the same thing   *
*  Mercer Island, WA              you've always done and expecting   *
*  linust at mindspring.com          different results                  *
*                                      - Roger Milliken              *

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