[200q20v] FW: Traffic Tickets

Bernie Benz b.m.benz at prodigy.net
Thu Sep 28 10:26:44 EDT 2000

> From: JaniWat at aol.com
> Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 00:52:57 EDT
> To: undisclosed-recipients:;
> Subject: Traffic Tickets
> If you get a ticket for a moving violation, here's a method
> to ensure that you DO NOT get any points against your
> license or pay higher insurance rates. This procedure works
> in every state and is completely legal. Here's how it works:
> When you get your ticket, send in a check to pay the fine,
> PLUS a few bucks extra. If the fine is say, $235, make the
> check out for $238 or some such small amount over the fine.
> The DMV system will then send you back a check for the
> difference, ($3 in this illustration). But here's the kicker:
> Throw the refund check away! It's only for three bucks or so.
> The standard database used by DMVs across the nation is set
> up to assess points only after a financial transaction is completed.
> Because you don't cash the check, the refund never clears, and
> the account remains OPEN. The system has its money for your
> fine and the DMV is happy, but points are not assessed against
> your license because the transaction is not completed. The DMV
> is not likely to bother you again, but if they do, just return any
> follow-up mail as "undeliverable."
> Happy motoring!

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