[200q20v] Radio Replacement

Fundsalo Racing fundsaloracing at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 19 10:14:49 EDT 2001

In a word: Crutchfield


But... you really need an adapter to werk with the
Bose amps and speakers. Crutchfield had 'em (BTDT,
~$70US) but others have since reported they are now
NLA. I gots the P/Ns and stuff at home... I'm running
a cheap Sony CD/AM/FM unit with the Audi/Bose adapter
and it werks great! Was like $110US from CF. Got

BTW, any 'serious audiophiles' out there running tube
pre-amps and/or amps in their 200q20v?



--- Peter Petersen <pwpetersen at earthlink.net> wrote:
> I'm sure this topic gets covered every month or so
> but... could someone tell
> me where I can find the details for replacing the
> Bose cassette receiver
> with aftermarket unit.  I'd like to keep it
> relatively inexpensive i.e. just
> the receiver.
> Feel free to e-mail me direct.
> Pete
> pwpetersen at earthlink.net
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