[200q20v] Re: Steering Wheel Squeak.

George Sidman sidman at montereynet.net
Mon Feb 5 09:22:52 EST 2001

I went through this one a few years ago. It is temperature
sensitive. The problem is likely the back of the wheel
assembly rubbing lightly on the plastic cowl, which is not
properly seated against the dash. The wheel and air bag do
not need to be touched. Remove the vinyl trim strip along
the bottom of the instrument cluster - 3 small Phillips
screws - and then from below remove the two long Phillips
screws holding the two cowl parts together. With some
delicate re-seating you will find that the cowl parts have
about 1/16th inch play, and have been installed too far away
from the dash. Properly seated, the squeak disappears. Good
George Sidman, President
Nousoft, Inc.   -   Monterey Network Center
www.nousoft.com  -  www.montereynet.net
sidman at montereynet.net
9701 Blue Larkspur Lane
Monterey, CA  93940
831 657-1510

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