[200q20v] Brake light coming on intermittantly

WARATAP at aol.com WARATAP at aol.com
Wed Feb 14 15:21:03 EST 2001

In a message dated 2/14/2001 12:19:03 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
digitaleopard at hotmail.com writes:

> Hey there, fresh question for everyone.  My Brake light (center bottom of 
> dash) is coming on intermittantly, when under acceleration and when the 
> Bose 
> is on and hits a low note.  Is this a case of system overload, and what 
> exactly needs to be replaced if this is the case?  Thanks.
> Ron Merrell

Don't know about the bass, but I'd expect the pentosin level to be at the 
lower side (most likely) of minimum.  Easy test is unplug the connector and 
see if the light doesn't come on any more -- better yet, check for pentosin 
seepage.  Also, make sure your parking brake switch is adjusted properly.  If 
the lever is JUST resting on the switch, this could cause the symptoms you 

'91 200q20v with a few mods...
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