[200q20v] Overheating Problem-Update

omllenado omllenado at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 21 09:23:26 EST 2001

my number is 303 322-6613

ur right werner's good and seems competent, but i really love to work on my
audi but i have to get a repair manual first.

got this from audifans.com mechanic information

have u tried this shop?. I already talked to mark mertz on the phone but
this is a one man shop, have to schedule an appointment.

Supercar Services - Mark J. Mertz (dlawson at ball.com) 1210 W. Custer Place
Denver, CO 80223 303.722.3337
Works on a number of Audi turbo quattro coupes along with Ferraris,
Maserati's, and other such cars. I have never had any service performed
here, but have met with Mark on a number of occasions and have seen his
work. Very competent and high quality workmanship.

this one i have to check first.

Jeff Chandler Motorsports (dlawson at ball.com) 4439 N. Braodway Unit G
Boulder, CO 80304 303.444.2585
Porsche and Audi factory trained, 1 man, independent repair shop that
performs very high quality work. He works on my 83 Ur and a number of
others. Also works on many other Audis/quattros and Porsches.

Sport Wheels (dan at di.com)
John Beckius
3030 Grand Av. Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601
I have an excellent mechanic that I used to put my '83 Ur Quattro back
together when the engine blew apart. He specializes in the TQC, but can
handle any other Audi. He's honest and very helpful. By the way, this is the
guy that writes the "Tips from Uncle John" articles in the Quattro Quaterly.
Hope this helps...

Oliver M. Llenado
805 Dahlia Street, Apt 22
Denver Colorado 80220
Telephone (303) 322-6613
Homepage http://www8.ewebcity.com/omllenado

----- Original Message -----
From: "digital leopard" <digitaleopard at hotmail.com>
To: <omllenado at hotmail.com>; <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: [200q20v] Overheating Problem-Update

> Nope, the multi-function temp sensor is an audi-specific part.  You could
Try, but I had no luck last summer looking.  There is a shop that carries
Audi parts down in south Denver, but I don't have the Phone# on me.  Will
get it at home tonight-what's your number?  Werner's seems pretty good, but
I would really like to find an Audi-only shop, preferably one specialzing in
the 5-cyl. and older cars.  (Yeah, right...)  Like the Audifans sticker
> Ron Merrell
> 91 200TQ20V
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: "OLIVER LLENADO" <omllenado at hotmail.com>
> To: digitaleopard at hotmail.com, 200q20v at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [200q20v] Overheating Problem-Update
> Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 13:18:33 -0000
> Hi, I am also here in Denver very near rose medical,
> I am also having problems with my coolant temp sensor, after 30 minutes of
driving in I-25, the coolant temp alarm sounds of but the coolant needle is
halfway. hmm.  could i get this multi sens temp at autozone?
> and the classic stalling.(turbo bypass valve)
> I had my cars maintenance done with werner's too.
> btw. would it be nice if we could have an audifans sticker logo stamp on
our car, so we could know a fellow lister?.
> >From: "digital leopard" <digitaleopard at hotmail.com>
> >To: 200q20v at audifans.com
> >Subject: [200q20v] Overheating Problem-Update
> >Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 03:38:35
> >
> >Okay-wanted to update everyone on the status of the problem.  Once again,
> >swamped by useful info-thanks to all.  Wanted to write everyone as the
> >emails came in, but could not spare the time at work (Openview crashes.
> >Panic ensues.)  So-
> >Drove the car home.  Was planning to continue to Stammler, to pick up new
> >fuses for the fan, but the car's Oil Temp gauge decides to slam over to
> >about 150C, causing the temp alarm to go off.  Idiotically, it goes back
> >down to 70C about two minutes later.  Am wondering if the car is haunted,
> >just annoyed at being left at Werner's for a week, waiting for parts.
> >(Incidentally, if you are looking for parts-or a new car-I formally
> >dis-recommend Prestige Imports, of Lakewood (Denver Metro).  The parts
> >the said would be arriving Friday by next day air arrived tuesday.  And
> >lied about it the whole time.  So, for the sake of $4 in parts, they are
> >losing $90000 in sales, as two of my friends have decided to go elsewhere
> >for their S4 Avant and Allroad purchases.)
> >So, arrange for alternate transport, go forth and pick up the fuses (Got
> >three-not a part I'm going to find at autozone) and return.  Status of
> >suggestions recieved:
> >
> >Chris Miller: Dead on.  Had to add about a gallon of antifreeze/water
> >Getting it in that tiny hose was fun, too.
> >
> >Phil&Judy:  Driving anywhere in Denver is stop and go these days.
> >it's mostly not too bad-usually.  Snow/Ice makes everything a parking
> >of course.  Replaced the old fuse-It looked ok, but why not-and will see
> >tomorrow if it runs.  It is, of all things, foggy out, and don't want to
> >drive it far.
> >
> >Bernie:  Ye gods, man, don't scare me like that!  As I said, the radiator
> >hose support snappped off, so the hose is insufficiently clamped under
> >boost.  And yes, I am planning a compression test.  Just as soon as my
> >schedule is normalized (Hopefully this week).
> >
> >QSHIPQ:  Fuse looked good, no crud.  Don't know exactly how to jump the
> >side, and don't want to destroy anything, so haven't tested.  Attempting
> >enlist more electrically-minded aid.
> >
> >Rob Miller & QSQ: Don't say that, please.  I replaced all of these last
> >summer.  Can they acutally go bad that fast?  (Possibly due to
> >overheating...)
> >
> >Anyway, thanks to all, and will see tomorrow if car responds to gentle
> >If not, well, the bigger hammer theory is always there, too.
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> >
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