[200q20v] linux and quattros do not mix

Wolff wolff at turboquattro.com
Wed Feb 21 09:13:09 EST 2001

I'll have to give OS 5 or Unixware 7 a shot.

> You can run linux on almost anything, but not 200q20v's.
> Playing with VAG-com, Linux, and my 200q20v while driving*, I
> rebooted Linux and, as part of the particular distribution that I
> run(for the uninitiated, Linux is not like Windows; there are many
> "kinds" of linux made by different groups) , it ran a program which
> checks for new hardware(mice, USB devices, hard drives...anything
> that wasn't around last time the system booted.)
> Now, if you were paying attention, you saw me say "mouse."
> Let's just say that the 3B motronic ECU doesn't appreciate
> mouse/modem-type probing funny business; the check light flashed a
> few times and the engine almost stalled.  Whups.
> FYI, yes, VAG-COM launches under WINE in Linux.  However, there is
> some really funky stuff  that happens when vag-com actually starts to
> try and do something useful(like, oh, say, talk to the ECU.)  Slap me
> silly and call me stupid, but that's sort of the whole point :-)  I
> haven't tried vwtool because I don't have a copy(minor problem.)
> Please don't email me asking if it works yet.  I do not want to get
> emails like the following simulated email:
> From: luser at webtv.net
> To: Brett
> Subject: re: linux and quattros do not mix
> Larry User
> I wonder how long it would take one of those silly little boxes to
> page through/delete 5,000 20k emails?  Hmmmm....
> instead, check back occasionally at
> (nothing there just yet)
> or keep yer eyes to the ground and ears peeled.
> Brett

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