[200q20v] 91 200 20v Gtech results

Gene Caldwell optic at halcyon.com
Mon Feb 26 02:11:16 EST 2001

> Tim Sidders wrote:
> Hi all
> FYI, I just had a chance to test my 91 200 20v with SJM's chip and a
> K&N installed .....thought I'd share it with all of you. Once figuring
> out the damn thing I dialed it in to 3950lbs...3650 curb weight, my
> slender 250lbs and misc other stuff.
> Did 3  0-60 consecutive runs...averaged 5.46 sec. Also did 3 hp runs
> and averaged 248hp. I did the test at about 30 degrees with 15in
> borbets shod with blizzaks, I thnk I would be able to get the 0-60
> down a few clicks with my track slicks ( lighter and very sticky) but
> either way the thing FLIES!!!! I like to refer to it as my  Porsche
> with 4 doors ;)))
> Later
> Tim

Jeez Tom!

That is a strong 0-60 time! What is your technique from a standing

I was afraid to do any high stress standing start tests, so I just timed
30-50 and 50-70 in third gear so I could compare to magazine times. 
Using a handheld stopwatch (average of 3 runs) I get:

  30-50: ~3.7 sec 
  50-70: ~3.5 sec

I'm running an IA 3+ on otherwise stock motor (stock air filter).  Have
you tested the K&N vs stock filter to see if the difference is


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