[200q20v] 91 200 20v Gtech results
Tim Sidders
tpsidders1 at netzero.net
Mon Feb 26 08:25:43 EST 2001
I was able to do the runs in the same direction on the same section of road.
I did one run traveling in the opposite direction on a mild uphill and the
numbers rose to 268hp. Remember these are supposed to be wheel hp not
flywheel...you must add 20% due to drivetrain loss, which would bring it up
too an even 300hp;))
----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Rose <pjrose at frontiernet.net>
To: Tim Sidders <tpsidders1 at netzero.net>
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: [200q20v] 91 200 20v Gtech results
> >Hi all
> >FYI, I just had a chance to test my 91 200 20v with SJM's chip and a
> >K&N installed .....thought I'd share it with all of you. Once
> >figuring out the damn thing I dialed it in to 3950lbs...3650 curb
> >weight, my slender 250lbs and misc other stuff.
> >
> >Did 3 0-60 consecutive runs...averaged 5.46 sec. Also did 3 hp runs
> >and averaged 248hp. I did the test at about 30 degrees with 15in
> >borbets shod with blizzaks, I thnk I would be able to get the 0-60
> >down a few clicks with my track slicks ( lighter and very sticky)
> >but either way the thing FLIES!!!! I like to refer to it as my
> >Porsche with 4 doors ;)))
> It's pretty hard for me to locate a truly flat section of road around
> hilly western NY that's suitable to use my G-tech. Since a small
> amount of grade can have a large effect on the numbers generated,
> it's best to do the same number of runs in both directions and
> average. Were you able to do that?
> If not, I wonder if the 248 HP value (seems slightly low?) might
> indicate you were on a slightly positive grade (uphill)? In which
> case, your 0-60 time is even more impressive.
> Phil
> --
> Phil Rose
> Rochester, NY
> mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net
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