[200q20v] Hydraulic/PS Pump Help

Hemberger, Chris CHemberger at stanadyne.com
Mon Feb 26 10:33:57 EST 2001

Hello Audi colleagues!

I have what appears to be a leaking steering pump and am attempting to
remove/rebuild and need some help/advise:

Any observations on removal?  Job seems easy enough until you dig into it
and then seems impossible!  Bentley diagrams a much simpler bracket than
what I have.  Mine looks like a cast aluminum pc which covers the
forward-most line making it very difficult to remove.  This bracket appears
to bolted to the pump body behind the drive pulley making on-vehicle
disassembly very difficult.  Am I missing something or are there some
'tricks-of-the-trade' I haven't stumbled onto?  Once unbolted, how difficult
is it to remove the pulley?  Puller required?  ANY help/guidance/suggestions
would be greatly appreciated....  

Also, anybody know of any reputable independent garages in central
Connecticut??  I may just give in and have the work done; timing belt also
which I thought I'd do while I have this much apart.  As usual - Thanks.

Chris Hemberger
Amston, CT
91 200 Q, 20V

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