[200q20v] Re: 200q20v digest, Vol 1 #258 - 10 msgs

George Sidman sidman at montereynet.net
Mon Feb 26 10:34:50 EST 2001

A few requests for more info on the code display button came
in, so here goes.
I grew weary of crawling under the dash to fiddle with a
jumper on the code connector, so, when I had the under dash
trim off to put in the new wiper intermittent relay, I also
dropped the side panel against the console. I unscrewed the
mounting block that holds the connector plug, and using
inline crimp connectors, I parallel wired the two code
connector pins to a black momentary contact push button,
which I mounted in the side of the console just to the left
of the lighter. 

Now, when I want to know the codes, I turn on the key and
press the button for four seconds. The check engine light
then flashes out the codes. I understand that on some cars
the check engine light might be missing its bulb, so you'll
want to make sure that is fixed. This allows a wrench with a
computer to connect and do the normal thing, and lets me see
the codes on my own. The button is almost invisible, while
allowing me to psychoanalyze the dysfunctional
codependencies between the engine and the ECU......
George Sidman, President
Nousoft, Inc.   -   Monterey Network Center
www.nousoft.com  -  www.montereynet.net
sidman at montereynet.net
9701 Blue Larkspur Lane
Monterey, CA  93940
831 657-1510

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