[200q20v] Re: Injector o-rings

Derek Pulvino DPulvino at agraus.com
Tue Jan 16 09:42:27 EST 2001


I'm going to try a local fastener store (Tacoma Screw, that's really the name) for availability on the o-rings.  With the noted oil/dirt, you're of the mind that removing the injectors, cleaning the seats, and reinstalling the seals in an oiled state would fix the leak.  What about shrinkage, or seal hardening?  Is that much of an issue here?

As far as the distributor, here's problems noted, oil inside distributor cap and on other internals, intermitent turning into chronic no start, and some slop (about 1degree) of side to side play at the rotor end of the dist.  The fun part is just got done with a bunch of maintenance (timing belt, acc. belts, hyd. and coolant flush, water pump, thermostat, fuel and air filter) and now the car has only started once since putting back together, but it did sound real good while running.  Double checked the timing, and notice that with the timing marks on the cam and harmonic dampener pulley lined up, the rotor was not exactly referencing the timing mark on the dist. housing.  When I noticed this also noticed that the slop on the rotor; couldn't tell if it was just gear lash, or something in the bearing, but didn't seem right.  Also got a hall sender fault from after the recent no starting.  

So one idea is to double check and re-reference the dist and hope that's the problem, or with the noted slop and oil leakage replace the whole shebang.  The last factor is I have a road trip planned for the second weekend of Feb. and definetely want to have the car back up and running by then.  

>>> Bernie Benz <b.m.benz at prodigy.net> 01/16/01 10:28AM >>>
Hi Derek,

Look in your yellow pages under Seals, O-ring.  If no, try Bearings.
I get mine in Hayward, CA  Bay Seal.

I'm still working the Bosch rebuild parts source search.  I've given up on
finding an e-mail contact on the Bosch web site.  All are dead ends.  A
friend is a Volvo parts distributor and sells a lot of Bosch, so am trying
to find a link thru him.  Will post anything positive.

> From: "Derek Pulvino" <DPulvino at agraus.com>
> Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 08:19:23 -0800
> To: <200q20v at audifans.com>, <b.m.benz at prodigy.net>
> Subject: Injector o-rings
> Bernie,
> Where do you think a good place to source those o-rings from would be.  I know
> my local mechanic keeps a stash of viton o-rings on hand, but don't know if
> all the sizes would at his disposal at his shop.  Just noticed last night some
> oil/dirt accumulation around two of my injectors on the intake manifold; my
> guess is there's likely a leak there.
These O-rings on the injectors are static seals and were in good shape when
I removed my injectors (my 3Bing of the 7A project) even though showing some
signs of minor leaking as you are seeing.  So with a clean up and assembly
lube would be fine to reinstal, IMO.
> Also, ever any luck with the distributor drive gear.  I've found nothing on my
> end, and looks like, after all my balehooing (sp?) will be purchasing a new
> distributor today. So looks like there'll be an extra one around to experiment
> on.  
What was wrong with your Dist?  Drive gear broken?  I do have a temporary
spare (the project dist) if it could buy time for you.

> Derek Pulvino

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