[200q20v] A/C Problem(s)

Arun Rao rao at pixar.com
Wed Jun 13 07:31:46 EDT 2001

The low-pressure switch is accessible from under the hood --
passenger-side firewall sounds right.

If there's no leak in the system (unlikely, since you have low
refrigerant), you could probably just fill 'er up with R12. 
Retrofitting the car to take R134 was a $800 affair when I checked a few
years ago: all depends on how long you plan to keep the car.  I did hear
from some lister recently that they just filled it with R134 and it worked.

Good luck!

'91 200Q
'00 S4

"Hemberger, Chris" wrote:
> In reviewing the Bentley, the
> diagram seems to indicate it is located up along the passenger-side
> firewall; is this correct? 
>  Recharge with costly
> R12 or retro-fit w/ R134a?  Any BTDTs? As always - Thanks in advance.
> Chris Hemberger
> 91 200Q Avant

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