[200q20v] Dies consistently after warm restart

Scalmanini Steve sscalmanini at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 6 19:07:27 EST 2001

' anyone have any ideas about what's wrong when the 
engine won't idle after a hot restart?  After I drive 
for a few minutes after a cold start, shutoff, then 
restart, it starts fine but dies immediately after 
returning to idle. Restart, same thing; repeat ad 
nausium. The only way I can drive it is if I keep it 
off idle with my foot on the accel for a block or so, 
then it idles normally. 

Any ideas?  My mechanic says probably the fuel 
pressure regulator (between the fuel rail and the 
feed line from the firewall). ' thought I'd ask y'all 
before I made the investment in time and expense to 
replace it.



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