[200q20v] P/N for 3-position fog lamp switch (' sound familiar, Brett?)

Scalmanini Steve sscalmanini at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 6 19:24:16 EST 2001

Does anyone know the P/N for the 3-position (off/rear/

front&rear) fog lamp switch mentioned by Brett 1-2 
years ago? ' you there, Brett?  

Carlsen didn't recognize such a switch earlier today 
but told me that Audi puts the P/N on the back of all 
their switches, so if anyone has one, can you get the 
number from the back and let us know what it is ... 
and if it fits. They claim that switches for the 5000 
don't fit a 100/200/V8, despite looking so similar.  



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