[200q20v] Aux. radiator

C1J1Miller at aol.com C1J1Miller at aol.com
Mon Mar 12 15:45:58 EST 2001

The new radiator may have additional coolant capacity; but it won't have additional air flow capactity.  The stock system was "upgraded" from the stock system on the 10v, which in Europe does about 200hp.  So, the jump 200 to 217 needed the extra; I don't think Audi anticipated chips.

In a message dated Mon, 12 Mar 2001  3:04:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Edwards, Gregg" <Gregg.Edwards at sycamorenet.com> writes:

<< Phil , my thought are that based on what the engine is capable of doing.
The Aux. radiator would have to be provided due to foreseeable(Chips, +HP,
tracks etc..)use of the vehicles engine. So it may not be merely a case of
over engineering a design, just protecting it going forward.  My intent is
to replace the main radiator with a metal/brass tank one, then solder on the
correct nipples that go to the the aux. radiator, but why do that if you do
not have to. In New England climate, AC does presently work. I could get the
lower temp T stat, and the fan may run alittle more as a result.   

 Thanks for response Gregg

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Rose [mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 2:48 PM
To: Edwards, Gregg; '200q20v at audifans.com'
Subject: Re: [200q20v] Aux. radiator

At 1:37 PM -0500 3/12/01, Edwards, Gregg wrote:
>Has anyone removed or bypassed the Aux. radiator altogether?  How much
>coolant can actually get circulated through the core of this radiator?  The
>car is used as a daily driver, no aspirations for the track.

You might also need to give up aspirations for running the A/C. What 
kind of summer climate is typical in your area? Northern Cailfornia, 
OR, WA--give it a shot; but if sub-tropical or desert regions--could 
be trouble, even without A/C.

Is the aux. rad. also one of Audi's  plastic wonders? If it's 
all-metal, maybe it can be repaired.


Phil Rose
Rochester, NY
mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net
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