[200q20v] Aux. radiator
Brett Dikeman
brett at brettd.dsl.speakeasy.net
Mon Mar 12 16:12:21 EST 2001
On Mon, 12 Mar 2001 C1J1Miller at aol.com wrote:
> The new radiator may have additional coolant capacity; but it won't
>have additional air flow capactity. The stock system was "upgraded" from
>the stock system on the 10v, which in Europe does about 200hp. So, the
>jump 200 to 217 needed the extra; I don't think Audi anticipated chips.
I agree. The aux radiator was because of the additional cooling
requirements of the 3B.
I see changing the thermostat as unwise(too many side effects and will
NOT give you added cooling capacity); further, the time involved to
install those extra 2 nipples is probably maybe 2x the time it took me to
type this message(all of 3 minutes.) I don't see how the savings justify
the risk.
I think removing/disabling the aux radiator would be foolish at best.
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