[200q20v] euro headlight special

Bruce Boeder BBoeder at BoederLaw.com
Fri Mar 16 09:05:41 EST 2001

Blau is running a special on Euro headlights complete with their "plug and
play harness and relay" for $699.00, currently.  It is in the current mailer
that they send out with parts but not every one of their order takers is
aware of it. They can be reached on the web at

Not included in that price are bulbs or Stongard protection.  They won't
have Stongard in stock until April 1st but it can be found at other sources.
Shipping extra.  They do take credit cards, although their website seems to
imply that you've got to send them a certified check.  The special does not
show on their website as of yesterday.

After only two months with my 200Q/20v wagon (the ultimate sleeper,
according to my 18 year old son) I've come to the conclusion that it is a
great car, other than the two flashlights tied to the front fenders and thus
have ordered and quickly received a set of Euro headlights to install.

Bruce Boeder

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