[200q20v] Re: Stalling Frustrations

George Sidman sidman at montereynet.net
Sat Mar 17 11:33:41 EST 2001

A few years ago I went through intermittent stalling hell,
and replaced bits and pieces, etc. Turned out it was simply
a gunked up throttle body and plate. I found out from a
retired pro mechanic, who told me that it is a favorite
dodge of dealers. They will churn you for all they can, and
then when you are close to mechanicectomy, they find another
$100 part to replace, and then clean the throttle body out.
This item is not mentioned in any maintenance schedule I
have ever seen. What happens is that on deceleration the
plate does not close cleanly, and the fuel rail floods,
killing the engine.

Cleaning it is a very easy procedure, and allows you to
check other critical parts. Almost any time I am working
around the back of the engine, such as replacing plug wires
and dist. cap, or the crankcase breather hose, etc. I pull
out the throttle body. I recently pulled it to re-solder the
connections inside the idle switch..........
George Sidman, President
Nousoft, Inc.   -   Monterey Network Center
www.nousoft.com  -  www.montereynet.net
sidman at montereynet.net
9701 Blue Larkspur Lane
Monterey, CA  93940
831 657-1510

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