[200q20v] Re: [s-cars] to fog or not to fog...

PramTT PramTT at pacbell.net
Wed Mar 21 12:48:06 EST 2001

>Hence,  until there's a requirement for *all* aux. lights to be 
>properly aimed and have sharp cut-off, I think it's not unreasonable 
>to have a rule to make it obligatory for _everyone_ to temporarily 
>turn off fog/driving lights in consideration of oncoming traffic and 
>when behind another vehicle. If your area has no such regulation, 
>then you should have a clear conscience about your carefully aimed, 
>low cutoff aux. lights being on full-time.

We start the discussion of to fog or not to fog but the issue is actually 
improperly aimed lights, regardless fog lights or low beam.

Even if you do not turn of your fog lights but your low beam are 
improperly aimed then it blinds oncoming driver. So that is the issue

As far as I know in CA where I live you are not supposed to have more 
than TWO pairs or lights/auxillary light on at the same time. But again 
maybe different state different law.

BTW, there tons of people out there installing auxillary lights designed 
with "driving" pattern.  PIAA, CATZ makes several of this driving lights. 
 We then assume that these people are using improperly aimed fog lights 
while actually they are using their driving lights all the time.  Of 
course it bothers me.

So the point is, make sure you have the correct lights aimed properly.

>When there's a law restricting aux lights in one's area, I couldn't 
>support the rationalization that claims, "Well, it may be a good rule 
>for others, but I choose to ignore it because _my_ foglights are 
>carefully aimed, etc." Obviously the rule becomes ineffective when 
>anyone feels free declare themself to be an exception.

As far as I know in CA where I live you are not supposed to have more 
than TWO pairs or lights/auxillary light on at the same time. But again 
maybe different state different law.

Agains the law??? try this

What about installing high wattage bulb to replace low beam bulb??? The 
high wattage bulb is only approved for off-road.  Flashing 560 watts 
lights to oncoming driver?? 

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