[200q20v] Re: [s-cars] to fog or not to fog...

Phil & Judy Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Wed Mar 21 20:53:58 EST 2001

At 12:48 PM -0800 3/21/01, PramTT wrote:
>Agains the law??? try this
>What about installing high wattage bulb to replace low beam bulb??? The
>high wattage bulb is only approved for off-road.  Flashing 560 watts
>lights to oncoming driver??

Oh, you _would_ have to bring _that_ up! Guilty yer honor. But I can 
explain...  :-)


*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *
*        mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net       * 

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