[200q20v] S6 for sale

Richard E. Berlin, Jr. rberlin at feltonberlin.com
Wed May 30 15:26:36 EDT 2001

Thanks to whomever for forwarding the S6 Ebay item to the

I am mildly interested, and have requested a viewing tonight
with my pal and Master mechanic, Fritz.

If any of you good folks are interested, let me know and
I'll give you a professional 20V assessment. If you follow
through, I would ask only that you make a small payment to
Fritz for his time. In the interim, I'll check carfax to run
the title.

Richard E. Berlin, Jr.
'91 200q20v Avant
Email: <rberlin at feltonberlin.com>
(978) 548-3737 

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