FW: [200q20v] RE: fan fusible link
Phil Rose
pjrose at frontiernet.net
Thu Oct 4 17:40:09 EDT 2001
At 1:29 PM -0400 10/4/01, Beer, Jerald wrote:
>Thanks for the tip Scott. I rarely if ever have the fan on high speed (hard
>to miss that sound). However, I will upgrade to 80a, plus a spare at your
>suggestion. I did blow a couple of 30's, so I went to the 40a.
>91 200qa
>97 Cab
You live in So. Florida and "rarely *if ever* have the fan on high
speed"??? Hmm sounds suspicious...like you may have other problems with the
fan circuit (resistor pack?)
Phil Rose Rochester, NY
'91 200q mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net
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