[200q20v] Out of service for the winter....
Kneale Brownson
knotnook at traverse.com
Tue Oct 9 22:23:59 EDT 2001
Classic description of the A/C magnetic clutch engagement power spike that
jolts the ECU. Audi fixes this with a replacement relay and a resister
inserted into the wiring to the A/C clutch. The problem and fix are
described on Scott Mockry's great
website http://www.sjmautotechnik.com/ under "click or pop" in the
electrical section of the troubleshooting tips menu. Took care of that
problem in my 200q20vt.
At 05:47 PM 10/09/2001 -0700, Gronberg wrote:
>When I turn on the Climate COntrol to anything other than "econ" I get a
>drop in
>RPM, and the an unstable idle (+/- 250-300 RPM) and, while accelerating I
>will get
>an intermittant hit that fuels like a fuel cut out (the car bucks, hard)
> John
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