[200q20v] oil mist filter/trap?

Peer Oliver Schmidt pos at theinternet.de
Tue Oct 16 12:00:28 EDT 2001


might this be the site you were referring to:

It was mentioned in a thread
"RE: [200q20v] Audi   20V  Turbo   Crankcase Breather S....  Good closed
system possible ?    link to be studied  !" in November 2000


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 200q20v-admin at audifans.com [mailto:200q20v-admin at audifans.com]On
> Behalf Of Brett Dikeman
> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 9:01 AM
> To: 200q20v at audifans.com
> Subject: [200q20v] oil mist filter/trap?
> Ok guys, a while back when we were all talking about oil vapor
> getting out via the crankcase breather hose, -someone- found a widget
> that was basically designed to do exactly what's needed.  I remember
> looking at a web page with the info, but I don't remember the issue
> going any further.  I've since lost all my email going back quite a
> ways; quick archive search turned up nada.
> Anyone remember the post I'm talking about, or the device?  Is the
> person who did the research still around?  I'd like to take another
> look and maybe set about installing the little widget.  Should be
> easy enough, I think there's room behind the engine.  Draining it
> would be a little tricky, but certainly not impossible.
> Looked and looked around online, and I haven't been able to find
> anything that's more than a glorified container with fittings
> attached; no sign of this mystery device I clearly remember a lister
> uncovering.  We need something that will actually capture the oil
> mist/vapor, not a gravity trap.
> I did come across a lot of discussion on various sites about how most
> stock PCV systems don't do much good in turbo cars, at least ones
> that vent to the intake system post-turbo.  I'm pretty sure I
> remember the Audi crankcase system vents pre-turbo, so there
> shouldn't be a problem, right?
> B
> --
> ----
> Brett Dikeman
> brett at cloud9.[nospam]net
> http://www.users.cloud9.net/~brett/
> (vm/fax)212-894-3749x5271
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