[200q20v] 200q20v Avant exhibits unintended acceleration!

Fundsalo Racing fundsaloracing at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 19 11:10:24 EDT 2001

I was parked, having just watched the schoolbus depart
after picking up my oldest chillun. I started the
engine, depressed the clutch, selected 1st gear and
accelerated away slowly to turn-around and head back
to the cabin. The 200q20v accelerated away rapidly and
failed to slow at all when I immediately released the
throttle. I punched in the clutch and killed the
ignition as we were about to shoot across a
(relatively at the time) busy road. I don't think the
engine hit the rev limiter...   Brought the car safely
to a halt about 10' from entering the road at a right
angle to traffic. Phew! Whassupwithat? me says.

Get out, pop the hood. Find one each partially-chewed
medium-sized acorn wedged under the throttle linkage
on top of the IM. Mustah rolled back they-ahh under
the linkage when the car initially moved forward and
then so nicely held the throttle open at about 1/3,
ahh-yup, recon so. Sweet...   The two year old in the
car with me did not need a new diaper.



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