UFO cost benefit analysis

CL Wong montesawong at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 9 05:50:12 EDT 2002

Brett thats a really great breakdown of the costs and
I could have really used something like that when I
was arguing with myself about the conversion.

I wonder what the possibility that UFOs could someday
become unobtanium? and how that *remote* possibility
plays into the analysis.
--- Brett Dikeman <brett at cloud9.net> wrote:
> 1	$1500	$500
> 2	$1700	$1000
> 3	$1900	$1500
> 4	$2100	$2000
> 5	$2300	$2500
> It takes between 4 and 5 sets of rotors to beat the
> UFOs for total $
> spent, roughly.  That's one heck of a long time from
> now, considering
> I've squeezed about 75,000 miles out of the set that
> were -on the car
> when I bought it-.
> And -that- assumes you already have 17" wheels.  I
> won't bore you
> with the chart above, but if you have to drop $1000
> on wheels+tires,
> it jumps to 7-8 sets of rotors before BIRA becomes
> more cost
> effective.

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