Oh noooo, sudden Pentosin leak ...

Fundsalo Racing fundsaloracing at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 22 04:41:05 EDT 2002

Check the clamps on the hoses at the resivoir, they
are notorious leakers, though not usually an 'all at
one event'. Replace them with quality clamps. If you
cannot get the old clamp completely off, just slide it
up the hose  out of the way and leave it to make room
for a 'real' clamp.



--- Scalmanini Steve <sscalmanini at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Is this Murphy's law or what?
> I rebuilt one of my Bose amps just yesterday with
> success, today something else broke.
> Drove ~ 40 miles this morning during which the brake
> warning lamp started to flicker, steadily more so
> during the last 30 minutes until it remained on
> steadily.  I arrived at my destination to the smell
> of
> burning Pentosin, which was down over half way.
> Then
> it sat for a few hours and leaked some more.
> Does anyone know what can cause a sudden largel leak
> like this?  The hydraulic pump is just a year old,
> from Blau, and the high pressure hose was replaced a
> year of so before then.  When they each went out in
> the past they caused slow leaks, not like this
> morning's.
> Any words of wisdom/experience before I try to limp
> to
> my mechanics tomorrow?
> TIA,
> Steve
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