Blau did goooood (was: Oh noooo, sudden Pentosin leak ...)

Scalmanini Steve sscalmanini at
Tue Apr 23 19:39:10 EDT 2002

Well, Blau did what they said, the replacement pump
arrived at the mechanic's (~ 5 mi. from SF airport)
before 10:00 am; ' in by 2:00, picked up at 4:00 and
I'm on the road again.  Blau's warranty service
couldn't have been better (once a real person answered
their phone).


--- Scalmanini Steve <sscalmanini at> wrote on

Blau committed to ship a new pump today FedEx for
morning delivery tomorrow (current pump was bought
from them and installed 16 months ago).  Eventual
cost is supposed to be only the $30 overnight
shipping. I have my fingers crossed.

I'll report tomorrow on the results.

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