still engine malfunction
Endrődi Gábor
Gabo at
Sat Aug 10 13:34:19 EDT 2002
Hi there,
So Unfortunatelly my car still does not want to run properly. As I
said before the cold start is terrible, it does not want to raise the
rpm when I push the gas pedal for seconds the first period ofthe
acceleration is good, but lately it starts to hesitating. Nowdays
sometimes the If I push the pedal the engine wants to stop, some
backfire comes up and after releasing it starts to run on higher rpm. -
Under normal cruise -with continous running- the check engine light
comes up, and when I relase the pedal it become dark again. I got 6
fault codes, /reference sendor problem, timing sensor problem ,hall
problem, air mass sensor problem, O sensor limit exceeded, and another
Interesting, when the engine is cold, and the air mass sensor plug is
not connected the engine starts well.
Has anybody idea what the hell is going in my car??
I've been to an Injector specialist who Checked all electrical parts
controlled by ECU and everything worked correctly.
Thanks Gabo
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