still engine malfunction

Mihnea Cotet mik at
Sat Aug 10 13:50:50 EDT 2002

As for the "O2 sensor limit exceeded" and the "air mass sensor problem"
fault codes, they usually happen when there is a vacuum/boost leak i.e. a
torn hose or an Intercooler endcap that has a hole in it... BTDT...
And the check engine light might be caused by the chip upgrade you have in
your ECU....

Reply to me off-list and tell me where your chips do come from, this
usually happens when the wrong chip is in the ECU...



At 12:34 10/08/2002 +0200, =?iso-8859-2?Q?Endr=F5di_G=E1bor?= wrote:
>Hi there,
>So Unfortunatelly my car still does not want to run properly. As I
>said before the cold start is terrible, it does not want to raise the
>rpm when I push the gas pedal for seconds the first period ofthe
>acceleration is good, but lately it starts to hesitating. Nowdays
>sometimes the If I push the pedal the engine wants to stop, some
>backfire comes up and after releasing it starts to run on higher rpm. -
>Under normal cruise -with continous running- the check engine light
>comes up, and when I relase the pedal it become dark again. I got 6
>fault codes, /reference sendor problem, timing sensor problem ,hall
>problem, air mass sensor problem, O sensor limit exceeded, and another
>Interesting, when the engine is cold, and the air mass sensor plug is
>not connected the engine starts well.
>Has anybody idea what the hell is going in my car??
>I've been to an Injector specialist who Checked all electrical parts
>controlled by ECU and everything worked correctly.
>Thanks Gabo
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