MFTS replacement advice needed
Peter Schulz
peschulz at
Mon Aug 12 10:45:25 EDT 2002
At 02:26 AM 8/12/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>Can someone tell me how to avoid losing much coolant
>when replacing the Multifunction Temperature Sensor,
>or is this not an issue if done when the engine is
>cold and/or with the cap off the expansion tank?
>I can't find any advice in the Bentley about this.
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work on a cold engine, put a pan under the car, use an adjustable crescent wrench ( or open ended if you have one thats bigger than 25mm) and work quickly -
I loosened the existing one with the wrench, took it off with my left hand while standing by with the new one in my right.
I first turned the new one counter clockwise, then clockwise to ensure that the threads were lined up ( and minimize the chance of cross threading the new one)
If you work quickly, you can minimize the coolant loss.
Peter C. Schulz peschulz at
Quality Systems Engineer/SSE
Customer Contact Business Unit (CCBU) Direct: 978.497.7772
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