G60 brake pad questions

dkpriebe at attbi.com dkpriebe at attbi.com
Mon Aug 12 17:50:04 EDT 2002

Well I guess that I ordered the wrong pads then. I
purchased the HPS in hopes of using them initially for
the track event, and then for regular driving with
whatever was left. I guess that I will order another set
of them to take along with me. And if I don't use the
extra set I will put them on my wife's S6. This is my
first track event, so I don't really know what to
expect. I also changed my brake fluid to the ATE Super
Blue. The only other racing I've done has been
autocrosses, which hardly uses the brakes at all simply
because the runs are so short.

Thanks for all the feedback about the outboard clips. I
will hang on to them so that if I have any pads in the
future that accept them, I can put them on.

Dave Priebe
> At 4:04 PM +0100 8/12/02, <t44tq at mindspring.com> wrote:
> >
> >Depending on how you drive at the track, I would consider getting a dedicated
> >set of track pads- you might kill your Hawk HPS at the track.
> I agree. The Hawk Blue (9012) pads that I recommended recently would be a
> better choice for track-only use. Keep a  eye on pad wear after every
> session or two, and you'll be OK. The pad wear I experienced with Hawk
> Blues was rather slight (10%) after a 2-day event.
> Phil
> Phil Rose
> Rochester, NY USA
> mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net

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