Power window switch

Derek Pulvino dbpulvino at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 22 11:56:39 EDT 2002


Tried switching the switches around at both ends (effected door and drivers
armrest) with swithes that could be confirmed to work both ways  on other
windows.  This did not fix the problem either.

I wasn't the person who changed around the regulator, but it could also be
looked at as a way to eliminate all of the variables.  Also, the person who
did the switching had an extra one around, so the only thing lost was time.

So at this point, would the consensus be "broken wires?"  Everything looked
good insided the door and between the B-pillar and the door as far as
fraying and integrity of the insulation.

derek p

> > Hey all,
> >
> > Does anybody have any suggestions on where else to check when windows
> > only go one way.  We checked, and reversing the wires via bullet
> > between the window requlator and the switch allows the window to only go
> > way...in the other direction.
>If it will go in one direction that is your proof that it is not the motor.
>Has to be a switch.
> >
> > Been through this before and saw a window switch as the problem
> > however changing the switch out with another one (new) did not fix the
> > problem.  Is it possible that the new switch is also screwed up?
>Could be either switch.  Check each individual switch.
> >
> > Also, window regulator has been switched out with no change in the
> > situation.
>Why would you change the motor until you were positive that it was not a
>switch or wiring?
> >
> > Anyone have any suggestions?
> >
> > derek p
> >
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