[200q20v] Drive shaft alignment?

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Wed Jan 2 18:08:44 EST 2002

At 2:26 PM -0600 1/2/02, Reid, Les C. wrote:
>Thanks Bernie
>Yes I will have to swing the exhaust out of the way (PIA).
>The only  straight edge I have that is 5'long is a wood 2x4.
>What kind of accuracy is needed? I really don't want to purchase a 5' level.
>I suppose I could improve the straightness by running an edge through the
>table saw.

With a decent tablesaw, you should be able to get adequate
straightness from a 2x4 after a couple of light passes on both (of
the narrow) sides (I'm assuming of course that the wood is reasonably
dry and straight to begin with. ) Obviously would also be easy to
make a notch for the u-joint.

Zebrawood 2x4 recommended for best results. :-)

*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *
*        mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net       *

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