[200q20v] Headlight Protection

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Fri Jan 4 19:53:59 EST 2002

>Could someone look at this site.
>They have a 14 mil product wich I think might be perfect.
>Let me know what you guys think of this.


What's that old saying-- "Cheap is as cheap does"? I think your
headlights are very unlikely to get significant protection from films
of 10, 12 or even 23 mils. The Stoneguard product appears close to
1/16" thick, which would be about 60 mils! Those much-thinner
materials could certainly help resist pitting from sand and salt, but
I wouldn't expect it to do much more than hold the pieces together
when the "big stuff" comes along.

*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *
*        mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net       *

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