[200q20v] Brake bleeding

Donna or Chris Locke d.locke at snet.net
Sun Jan 20 21:10:51 EST 2002

I've found that using a vacuum assist to bleed the brakes, the bleed fitting at
the brakes is never threaded tightly enough to maintain a seal through the loose
threads, and you're always going to pull air through and around the threads, and
it looks like your breaks haven't gotten all the air out yet.  I like to use a
cheap 15 dollar little trunk air compressor from *-Mart or some other fine store
and put about a 1/4" slit in the hose.  At a hardware store you can get a pipe
(cap) fitting that's rubber, has a hose clamp, and a schreader valve (bicycle
tire valve) on the end.  Put the "fitting" over the top of the fluid resevoir,
and turn on the pump.  This should build up a few psi.  Let it just sit there
because any excess pressure will just blow by through your slit.  These
compresors can in no WAY make 200PSI like they advertise.  The piston is 1/2"
wide with a motor the size of a "D"-cell battery.  That's besides the point.
Walk around to all 4 corners of the car, and now the fluid will be pressed from
the fluid side against the air in the system, and bleeding is much easier.  I
can do a car in just about nothing flat (5 minutes? seriously) since I started
using this.  The biggest problem is to keep an eye on your fluid level.  Make
sure it's good and topped off (right up to the brim if you're expecting alot of
air) before you start, otherwise you'll be pushin' air through the master
cylinder, ABS unit....ewwwww  This little tool allows me to work alone, no
hollerin', cussin' an' a-swearin' because someone is pushing the pedal too hard,
etc etc


'86 4KCSTQ
'91 2C20VTQ

> At 3:21 AM -0500 1/19/02, Dmohlemacher at aol.com wrote:
> >What's the process for our cars (91 200 20v)
> Pretty simple..bleed the clutch(I have a victi...er, helper, press
> the clutch in, then I open the bleeder.  Close, then flip it around,
> open valve then press clutch, etc.  I do this a few times until fluid
> looks nice and clean.
> Then I move on to brakes...I've always started at the passenger rear,
> then moved to driver's side rear, then either front(probably driver's
> side front.)  I bet the Bentley contains the correct order.  If
> anyone knows why the order is important, I'm personally curious;
> doesn't seem like it should matter, save maybe something to do with
> either the proportioning valve or the ABS unit?
> >Is it the same for any other Audi/VW/Porsche?
> No idea.
> Brett
> --

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